What is Facial Recognition Security Cameras Detect Faces
With facial recognition security cameras, you are able to protect your business and home without difficulty, and receive fewer false alarms.
So how can facial recognition IP cameras recognise human or even pets’ faces?
Here’s the exact procedure:
#1. Build Up Your Own Database of Faces you know
To make your facial recognition security cameras “learn” their faces, first, you must to establish an account of your most familiar faces. Effective methods include asking family members and acquaintances to stand in front of the cameras or using their photos in front of the cameras.
In general, security cameras that recognize faces are capable of remembering 16 to 32 faces, which is enough for home and small business use.
#2. Security Cameras equipped with Facial Recognition will detect and Match Faces
Cameras for facial recognition use numerous methods and technologies to detect faces. This includes 3-D models, matching faces within videos or images, and looking at the complete face or just a portion of them, and so on.
After having captured the faces within their viewing range cameras that have facial recognition technology will analyze those faces to those in the database with the help of advanced software.
#3. Instant Alerts Will Be Posted Once Unknown Faces Are Detected
When facial recognition security cameras match faces from your database successfully they’ll know that there are familiar faces but will not be able to notify you.
If, on the other hand, there are any unidentified faces, facial recognition home security cameras will notify you instant alerts or call the police immediately.
Aside from face identification security cameras that have facial recognition also have some other advantages that make them stand out among their counterparts. Here are a few of them:
Benefit 1. Facial Recognition Security Cameras Deliver Higher Accurate Recognition Performance
With powerful algorithms, a facial recognition security camera can greatly reduce false alarms. This includes those triggered by changing light, tree movement and even wind.
It was also endorsed by an element of MIT research, which looked at the facial recognition systems of 2018 created in collaboration with Microsoft, IBM and the China-based Face++ and indicated that their accuracy in distinguishing genders has hit 90% for light-colored skin males, and 70% for females with darker skin.
It is also anticipated that security cameras that have facial recognition will be possible to recognize faces that have angled faces, faces covered with sunglasses or masks or even old faces which are nearly impossible for security cameras with traditional cameras.
Benefit 2. CCTV Cameras with Facial Recognition also recognize animals, pets, and Other Objects
Certain best security camera brands push the limits of what facial recognition IP cameras can accomplish including recognizing faces of humans to recognizing pets and common objects in your daily routine.
This feature is now a reality because of the sophisticated facial recognition technology that uses AI technology and machine learning algorithms developed by tech companies like Google as well as Intel.
Meanwhile, these security cameras that are powered by AI and have facial recognition also demonstrate themselves in the annual competition for image recognition. they are better than humans at classifying different corgi breeds.
Benefit 3. Security Cameras with Facial Recognition Enhance Security Level
As stated above, facial recognition IP cameras can provide precise results in identifying people and detecting animals and objects.
The CCTV cameras in your home or business are able to serve as powerful “guards” and provide you with instant notifications when they detect unidentified faces or unwanted visitors to your house or stores.
In addition to businesses and homes Face recognition IP cameras can also find its way into other areas such as train stations, airports and other locations that have a lot of foot traffic. Through these security cameras, police officers can spot terrorists and criminals after they’re under surveillance cameras.
Benefit 4. Facial Recognition IP Cameras Offer Many Advanced Features
Alongside facial recognition, modern CCTV cameras equipped with facial recognition are able to automatically track and record unknown vehicles and individuals with unidentified license plates in your neighborhood.
In addition, certain facial recognition security cameras also include a heating map recording modes and analyses as well that provide robust security for your home or business.
Security Cameras with Facial Recognition in Actual Use There are some concerns you could face
Be amazed by the power of security cameras with facial recognition. are you interested in giving them the chance to test it?
Before you plunge your toes into the water, have a look at the potential issues you be facing when you use security cameras with facial recognition first.
Concern 1. The Facial Recognition camera’s cost is Relatively high.
Much like the cost of cell phones back in the 1970s, the facial recognition security camera price is quite high today and ranges from $150 to more than $300 for one camera. This means they are more expensive than the standard security cameras that detect faces.
Besides, some facial recognition security cameras and facial recognition security camera software might cost additional subscription fees starting from $10 per month, which can be an expensive expense in the long run.
Concern 2. Facial Identification Security Cameras may intrude into privacy
Currently, some people are skeptical about the wide-spread use of security cameras that use facial recognition systems because of privacy issues.
The concerns mentioned above are not just out of the blue – People may feel continuously monitored in public areas and their personal information can be leaked away regardless of their awareness.
In the face of privacy concerns as well as the social problems brought by the use of facial recognition IP cameras, certain institutions have come out with strict regulations to protect citizen’s rights.
For instance In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) declares that citizens have their rights to privacy and any invasion of privacy shall face serious penalties.
Concern 3. Facial Recognition IP Cameras Deliver Undesirable Results
As many security camera companies race to come up with and sell a security cameras with facial recognition however, the actual performance of CCTV cameras on sale isn’t completely exact and is largely dependent on such elements as angle of the camera, lighting and outfit changes.
According to professional media reviews as well as feedback from customers Some of the unqualified security cameras for facial recognition might take a long time to understand faces or detect faces in the first place.
There are also sellers who deliberately advertise their products as facial recognition security cameras in order to mislead customers. But in fact the cameras do not feature any sophisticated technology that can recognize faces of humans.