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Home » Ten Common Instances When It May Be Time To Call Your London Dentist

Ten Common Instances When It May Be Time To Call Your London Dentist

When should a visit to the dentist be considered a must? Many people respond, “when I have a toothache”. In addition, many people do not visit the dentist in the event of pain that is extreme. But, there are different situations where you must visit your dentist.

The dentists at our office listed 10 scenarios where a visit to the dentist could be beneficial.


The most evident reason to go to the dentist is tooth pain. The most common causes of tooth pain include dental decay, cracks or fracture failure of restorations or fillings gums that are inflamed or inflamed, or grinding of teeth. But, there are a few warning signs that could aid in minimizing the dental damage.

If you feel pain when chewing, feel a sensitization to cold or hot drinks or food or experience the sensation of a dull pain, then you should see an experienced dentist. If pain occurs and goes, there’s an underlying issue that needs to be dealt with. It’s best to address the issue early to prevent further pain or the damage to your teeth.

Preventative care

Regular dental check-ups are crucial to catch problems early. The NHS recommends six-monthly visits to the dentist. At these appointments your dentist or your oral health therapist will carry out an exam and clean, including the use of a scale, xrays (if required) as well as fluoride.

The dentist that performs the exam will examine your gums, teeth, tongue and mouth for irregularities. During the cleaning dental check-up, your therapist or dentist will take out any plaque that your toothbrush alone is unable to get rid of. This will prevent the plaque from forming tooth decay.

Learn more about the reasons the importance of making sure you visit the dentist on a regular basis.

Chipped or broken tooth

Our teeth are durable, however they may crack or break. It is usually as a result of accidents or injury. However, it could be caused by biting into something that is hard or caused by cavities. If your tooth chip, cracks and breaks it might not be painful immediately.

But, it’s crucial to visit your dentist as soon as you can to evaluate the situation. The dentist may also be able save the tooth.

Red, swollen or bleeding gums

The presence of bacteria in your mouth does not just create plaque on teeth , it can also trigger an inflammation of gums. If you don’t remove bacteria by regular flossing and brushing routines, it could accumulate. It can cause swelling, red, as well as bleeding gums.

Many factors, including the way you brush and floss smoking, medication diet, gum disease, and even nutrition could affect the health of your gums. If you feel discomfort on your gums don’t be afraid to consult your dentist to examine the reason.

Sensitivity of teeth

Our teeth may become sensitive to cold or hot drinks and foods as the protective coating, known as enamel, has been damaged or worn away. If the nerves inside the tooth are exposed and not protected the tooth may experience a sharp pain. occur when temperatures enter the tooth.

A visit to the Polski dentysta Londyn may assist in determining the root causes of your sensitive teeth.

Teeth missing

The loss of a tooth is painful. As we’re becoming older teeth age with us. They can loosen and worn down or lose their teeth. The dentist is often able to replace a tooth that is missing. Depending on the circumstances and the reason for the loss of teeth your dentist may be able to restore the tooth. If this isn’t an option, the lost tooth may be replaced using the use of a dental implant, denture, or even a dental bridge. The decision of whether to replace a tooth is influenced by various factors, including:

Your smile’s appearance
The impact of missing teeth on your bite, the bone density, as well as the jaw
The ability to chew food and talk

Headaches and jaw pains that are constant

The constant headaches and jaw pain could be a sign of an illness that affects the temporomandibular ligament (TMJ) or facial muscles. It is believed that the TMJ joins the jaw of the lower part with the temporal skull bone. It’s hinge joint used to chew food, eat or speak.

There are many reasons that can cause a temporomandibular dysfunction.

Teeth grinding

The term used in medical terms for the grinding of teeth is called bruxism. It may manifest in the form of voluntarily grinding, clenching or gnashing teeth. Bruxism is often experienced during sleeping and leaves the sufferer with stiff or sore jaw.

Dentists can guide you through the habits of grinding your teeth and offer you a variety of treatments based on the root cause.

Gasping and snoring in bed

If you are prone to snore even when you’re asleep, or you wake frequently in the night. If you are prone to gasping or choking noises while you sleep or sleeping, you could be suffering from sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea is a frequent problem that can occur when your nasal airway or the throat gets blocked. The obstruction blocks the flow of air to the lungs, which could cause you to stop breathing for up to 10 seconds when you’re asleep. The brain then gets activated as it is deficient in oxygen, and wakes you up.

If you’re worried that you suffer from sleep apnea the first step is to have an examination of your sleep by a registered Sleep Doctor. Based on the outcome of the examination your dentist may be able to help with any further treatment, like dental appliances (splint).

During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, hormone levels fluctuate more than they normally do. This could make you more prone to gum bleeding, gingivitis and the formation of plaque. Your dentist can be capable of assisting with the hygiene of your mouth during pregnancy to make sure your dental health remains in check.