An inverter (or electronic device that converts DC to AC) is an electronic device. A sine wave describes a continuous wave of smooth, repetitive oscillations. A sine wave is the mathematical representation of AC power that is produced by rotating machines. This waveform is ideal for AC power transfer with low harmonic distortion. Pure sine wave inverters produce power that is equal or superior to the power at home. The inverters use advanced technology to protect sensitive electronics. It can power digital microwaves, televisions, refrigerators, laptops, and other electronic devices. Pure Sine inverters are capable of powering almost any AC appliance, without risk.
What is the working principle of a pure sine wave converter?
A growing number of people are using pure sine wave inverters. The design of each device or circuitry determines the input voltage, frequency, output voltage, and overall power handling. This allows appliances to be powered up even when they are not connected to the grid. The operation of an inverter can be divided into three stages: the oscillator stage, the amplifier stage, and finally, the output transformer stage.
Stage Oscillator
This stage houses an IC circuit that generates oscillating pulses. These oscillations at a specific frequency generate alternate positive and negative voltage peak. These pulses are weak and cannot be used to power high current output transformers.
Booster or amplifier stage
This stage amplifies the alternate voltage from pure sine wave oscillator and amplifies it to high current levels. Amplified electricity can be described as AC, but the voltage remains at the battery supply level which is too low for an appliance to operate. The amplified voltage is applied at the secondary winding of the output transformer to raise the voltage to a level suitable for use with electrical appliances.
Output transformer stage
An AC to DC transformer reduces or steps down the power supply to lower AC levels by magnetic induction of its two windings. In a power ups inverter, the transformer works in a reversed fashion. The secondary windings are connected to the transformer at the output transformer stage by the low-level AC power of the amplifier stage. This creates an induced stepped-up voltage that is used by power converters to power AC appliances.