Gasket for the housing of your oil filter? If your engine is the engine of your vehicle engine oil is blood. The healthier the blood is, the healthier your heart. If your oil is stable the engine will be in good shape. It is not difficult for oil in engines to become dirty.
They are not just lubricating the engine, but as well protecting and cleaning it. Anything left after the combustion process is carried by the oil in your engine. Given that your engine is capable of more than 1000 combustions per minute and that your engine oil must be as strong as toothpaste. But they’ll stay free of contaminants for more than thirty thousand miles.
It is because of a component, called an oil filter. Filters in oil are regularly filtered by engine oil while it moves through the engine. It is because of oil filters that you’re in a position to achieve this kind of mileage prior to you make an oil change. Because oil filters are used regularly, they last for between 5000 and 7000 miles.
This is the reason they are designed so that they are simple to access and are able to be repaired on the spot. This is all thanks to Oil Filter Housing.
What exactly is Oil Filter Housing?
The housing of the oil filter is a container used to house oil filters within an engine’s engine bay. It is a device that links the filter to the engine, by holding it to a specific location. In simple terms The housing for the oil filter is an ideal location where the filter can complete its work.
It’s also close to the cover for the engine which makes it easy to reach anytime required. Why does this sound important?
Back in the 60s, if you needed to change the oil filter, you needed to remove the entire canister and then change filters after replacing your O-ring, and including extra oil into the canister.
Compare this to the present and your house is not only able to make filters easy to access, but they are also practical and efficient, reduces the cost of labor and provides secure filtration with no leaks.
These housings are very sturdy and, since they are typically within of the engine, they’re very sturdy. This is the reason why you usually notice leaks due to poor engine oil or blocked filters. However, there is one factor that can make the oil filter housing vulnerable. It is gaskets.
Why is gasket needed?
Gaskets are a type of rubber seal used to seal the filter, and to prevent spillage of oil. For both internal and external kinds of oil filters that are attached in the engine compartment, a seal will be essential to seal the filter completely. If there are no gaskets, or if they are not sealable with adhesives leaks of oil will occur on a regular basis and the process of changing oil filters will take a long time.
To avoid this, we invented gaskets. But, over time the gasket begins to become brittle and starts to develop cracks everywhere. The result is a small leaks and if they are not addressed during regular maintenance, it can quickly turn into an oil spill that is large in size.
Did you know? Just German Parts stock 2.0 TDI oil filter housing.
So how Do You Know You Have A Bad Gasket?
How to Identify Bad Oil Filter Housing Gasket?
When you’re trying to find out the cause of the signs of a condition, you look for signs. In the same way, when you wish to identify a bad gaskets in the oil filter housing You look for oil leaks. Oil leaks are a thing which rarely happens particularly in modern automobiles. Therefore, if you see oil-stained areas under your vehicle after you have parked it in one location for at minimum 1 or 2 hours, it is the sign of a gasket that is not working properly.
Another method of identifying that is to look at the engine oil indicators. The indicator for engine oil is designed to alert you of a problem with your engine oil. It does this by keeping track of the oil pressure or the volume.
If you have a gasket that is not working, you’ll be experiencing leaks in your oil. The leaks can result in decreased oil volume or a change in the pressure of oil inside the engine i.e. “Lights on”. It is recommended to have your engine checked immediately.
But, is it essential to resolve the issue immediately?
Gasket for the Oil Filter Housing Replacement
Leakage within your oil filter housing isn’t something to be treated lightly. We’ve already learned that it is the link between your oil filter with the engine oil. If your filter isn’t functioning correctly the engine oil is likely to be damaged, resulting in a performance drop.
Leakage in your housing can lead to the oil in your engine is dropping levels. This puts more stress for your vehicle, which can cause it to overheat and leave gaps everywhere, resulting in poor combustion. In the end you’re looking at an engine that is extremely unreliable and is susceptible to irreparable damage any point. If you’re not wealthy, fixing the leak is the top priority.
How do I replace the gaskets in the housing of the oil filter?
Replacing the gasket of the oil filter housing is a quick and easy procedure but you’ll need to make sure your hands are “wet”. First, you’ll need remove your housing housing for the oil filter. Then replace your gasket before screwing it back into place.
To begin, remove the bonnet and find the housing for your oil filter. It should be close to the cover for your engine.
After you’ve found the gasket, you can remove the lid (cap) until it reaches a point that it’s loose enough to be opened by hand. Doing this will assist in moving all the oil to the engine, so you don’t cause a mess when removing the housing housing for the oil filter.
After 20 seconds, begin taking off the bolts connecting the housing of your oil filter with the motor. In general, there are three bolts with different dimensions. Find the bolts and remove each one at a time. Be sure to take note of which bolts go into the socket.
After you’ve removed all the bolts lay some clean clothes underneath as well around the base of the house. After that, remove the two-hose connector to the side, and then slowly pull the housing of the oil filter away.
When you take the housing off and open it, you’ll be aware of the gasket underneath it. The next step is to remove the gasket off. Find a pointy tool and dig one end to take it out of the seal.
Once the gasket has been removed, take the gasket off and clean it by wiping it with a cloth. Repeat the process for the other component that is that is connected to engine.
Now is the time to install the gasket that you bought. Unwrap the gasket then match the sides so that it will fit perfectly.
After the gasket has been replaced, put the house for the oil filter back into place. Attach the two hoses back to the housing and then close the cap(lid) of the housing for your filter. Make sure to add coolant and oil since you could lose some in the process.
Finally, you should start your engine for the last check, and you’ll be in good shape.