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5 Reasons To Read Fantasy Books

Fantasy is a fascinating genre. From dystopian swirls of ancient magic to medieval realms full of warlocks and wizards The genre is a fusion of many stories, TV shows and film stories.

A couple of days ago, I was watching “Epic Hip Battles for The History (ERB)” featuring “Lord of the Rings” writer J.R.R. Tolkien as well as “Game of Thrones” writer George R.R. Martin around 2 a.m.

In the film, a line from Tolkien was prominent: “We all know the world is full of randomness and anarchy. So yes, it’s true that characters to be killed randomly. But the good news is that this genre is referred to as fantasy. It’s designed to be real, myopic, and you, myopic manatee.”

J. R. R. Tolkien vs George R. R. Martin. Epic Rap Battles of History

The quote made me think about the reasons I’ve always been awed by fantasy since my very early age. In the words of “ERB” Tolkien says, fantasy is a journey into the world that lies beyond reality. It’s a distinct genre I believe that people should give an opportunity.

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So, without further delay here are five good reasons fantasy is a captivating and engaging genre that anyone should explore.

1. Complex World Building

The creation of a fantasy world is far more complex and expansive than every other genre. Because they’re not based on real life, fantasy stories have to make up their own. It could be rival nations that are indiscriminately hostile to each other, fantastic creatures that roam the skies or ancient magic coursing into the veins of the main character the writer must not just explain to the reader what’s happening in the story, but also the background of the story and even what follows. The reader must be given enough background information so that they can grasp the world of the other that, up to the point at which the time of writing only existed in the writer’s mind.

Consider an example from the “Harry Potter” series as an illustration. The potential of the universe J.K. Rowling has created is astounding; even today, adults take a deep dive into the world that they first experienced in their the earliest days of their childhood. For some those who attend, the Hogwarts halls Hogwarts are as real like those at Princeton. What exactly is Potions other than a more imaginative chemical class? And what is Transfiguration other than a biological study which science always longed for?

The worlds of fantasy aren’t just complex and intricate, but they’re also endless and also, which brings me to my final reason.

2. Unlimitable Potential

Unbound by the limitations of reality The fantasy universe is able to continue expanding and growing in ways that we might not have thought of. There are a few corners that exist in the world however, fantasy universes are always growing, reaching out and constantly evolving. While they are often confused The main difference between fantasy and science fiction is that science fiction is founded on the possibilities that are or could be feasible within the realm of science theory.

Fantasy is, on contrary isn’t controlled by the scientific reality. There are rules still in fantasy , as “Now Novel” says, however in the realm of fantasy, these rules are created by the authors themselves. This lets the author keep expanding their fantasy world by adding new elements that fit into the realm of.

“Lord of the Rings” is an excellent illustration. The Middle-Earth trilogy along with the prequel to “The Hobbit” have become icons of the present — having earned nearly $1 billion from the five films — it is true that there were many other aspects to the world that Tolkien created. Over 21 different articles were published within Tolkien’s Legendarium which is a complete collection of works that focuses on what is known as the Middle-Earth region of Arda.

In addition, there are many others Tolkien works. Tolkien wrote so many works and created such a rich world that, since the time of his demise in 1917,, his daughter Christopher Tolkien has published over 24 volumes of his father’s works and one of them was published as recently as August 2018. It’s not clear what time Tolkien will cease to be published since every when a book is deemed to be his final, a new one appears to be published. He also invented the linguistically complex Elfish languages to be a component of his universes.

Free from the limits that define reality, the fantasy genre has the freedom to continue to expand with new ways of keeping readers at the edge of their seats.

3. Expect the Unexpected

Fantasy possesses a unique dynamism. The components they can include are endless, and only limited by the writer’s imagination. That’s why unexpected elements are common within the genre. It is impossible to know the elements a fantasy novel could contain because of the infinite possibilities and unbounded by reality is an endless range of possibilities.

There is no way to know the moment when a new race will be discovered in the dark depths in a dark cave or when the ancient magic never seen before in the fantasy realm will be rediscovered. Fantasy keeps you awake and in the plot because you are simultaneously trying to discover what’s to come and you cannot know for sure the outcome.

“Game of Thrones” is an instance of this. After becoming a hit after the fantasy novels became a TV series in the year 2011, the show is known for its numerous unexpected and shocking changes. From sudden deaths to the demons that are forged by the power of black magic, no anyone knows what’s going to happen next in Game of Thrones.

Through the incorporation of novel elements and elements, fantasy challenges the boundaries of what you think is feasible.

4. Mental Expansion

Because fantasy can travel wherever the author wishes filled with components that readers might not have thought of, it broadens your perception of reality. Young protagonists whose lives previously been a commonplace can save the world from the brink of destruction even though in actual life , one can’t imagine being the ones to decide the destiny of the world in their hands. They can trek through lush green hills and journey away from their homes, when they never imagined that it could happen. Sometimes, they transcend boundaries like gender, race, class and so on, even though the concepts may be completely different in the narrative.

The epitomize of fantasy’s ability in expanding the possibilities of imagining are Donita K. Paul’s “The Dragon Keeper Chronicles,” that I first encountered at the age of 9 years old. The series follows the story of a 14-year-old slave Kale Allerion when she finds an egg of a dragon. Her journey leads her to becoming the most famous savior of the country despite having been considered to be one of the poorest. Despite everything, she acquires amazing abilities, including psychic abilities, and is always helping save lives. Allerion is even married and leads a happy and stimulating life for her as well as her loved ones.

“The Dragon Keeper Chronicles” has taught me that even if nobody is convinced of me, and even if I am unable to think of a way to make something happen that it is possible to do. I discovered that what I consider to be achievable is not an exact representation of the things I’m capable of. When I was a child reader I realized this was the beginning of the growth of my self-perception as well as goals.

Fantasy is able to create imaginative worlds that combine readers’ experiences are with new elements that they’ve never thought of before.

5. Blends the Old and the Modern

One of the unique aspects to fantasy writing is it allows writers to mix the traditional and the new, which is what we know about reality and the history of it and the imaginative creations of the writer. Although fantasy isn’t subject to the constraints of reality, it’s often in the form of a story that is influenced by historical events. For example the medieval genre is one subgenre within fantasy that is written in the Medieval period or are influenced by the medieval period. Chivalrous knights, chivalrous kings as well as an insanity-ridden feudal system occur in the medieval world of fantasy. This sub-genre can also include mythical creatures drawn from European folklore, such as fairies, dragons and elves.

Fantasy is able to take ancient ideas and transform them into new ones by breathing new life into them through the author’s own ideas. The genre may also have contemporary elements, but remain an alternative to science fiction due to its disregard for the laws of reality. A great illustration of this idea is located within Terry Brooks’ “Shannara” series.

In the Shannara Series the characters live in an imaginary world that, although it is reminiscent of the medieval era but actually exist after the world of modern times has been destroyed by an Apocalypse. Elves, dwarves Dwarves, and humans are divided in medieval-looking kingdoms, while remnants of an ancient technology persist. What’s known as present day is seamlessly blended in the Shannara universe, which is a distant past.

In the show in the series, the Druids began their search for ancient sciences but came across an older, more complex magic instead. Although the series is distinctive in fantasy because of its distinct blend of modern and old It is also an excellent illustration of the genre’s ability to blend both seamlessly.